Recap - Australia's New Migration Strategy: Reforms to Temporary Skilled Migration

Key Points: 

  • Labour market testing requirements have been amended, removing the requirement to advertise on the Workforce Australia website.

  • A new Skills in Demand visa will replace the current Temporary Skill Shortage sc 482 visa in 2024, with three streams targeting different levels of skills in shortage.

  • The Strategy includes upcoming reforms, particularly focusing on the integrity of the international education system, and the skilled migration program.


  • Changes already announced that have been or will soon be implemented – such as the increase of the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) to $70,000 from 1 July 2023;

  • New commitments that will be implemented by the end of 2024 – this includes the creation of a new temporary work visa, the strengthening of integrity in the international education sector, and steps to simplify the migration system; 

  • Areas for future reform to be consulted on in 2024 – this includes reshaping the permanent skilled migration program and adjustments to regional visas and the working holiday maker program.

Temporary Skilled Migration

A new Skills in Demand visa, will replace the current TSS visa. The key aspects of the new Skills in Demand visa are:

  • Three pathways – the visa will be split into three different pathways: Essential, Core and Specialist (see below) 

  • Time period - the visa will provide for a 4-year stay for all streams.

  • Visa processing time – a commitment to median processing times of 21 days.

  • Streamlined LMT - effective immediately, the Government has moved the requirement to advertise positions through Workforce Australia

  • Increased employee mobility - visa holders will have 180 days to find a new sponsor if they cease employment with their sponsor (up from the current 60 day period). They can also work during this period.

  • Increased pathways to permanent residency - all visa holders will have a pathway to permanent residency, and time spent with any approved employer will count towards permanent residency eligibility.

  • Public sponsor register - the Government will develop a public register of approved sponsors, which will publish the numbers of sponsored workers and their occupations, to assist migrants seeking a new sponsor.

Essential Skills Pathway
For those workers earning under $70k p/a. 
Government is developing this pathway for workers under TSMIT but with essential, in demand skills. i.e. in Aged Care.

Core Skills Visa 
For those earning $70k p/a - $135k p/a (indexed annually) 
A simpler and regularly updated Core Skills Occupation List, for occupations identified by Jobs and Skills Australia as being in shortage or occupations agreed through international trade agreements.
The largest pathway of temporary skilled migrants. 

Specialist Pathway
For those earning $135k p/a (indexed annually)
No occupation lists. Excludes - trade occupations, machinery operators, drivers and labourers.
Guaranteed fast processing of 7 days.


New South Wales: Skilled Work Regional Subclass 491 update


Expanding Pathways to PR for Temporary Skilled Workers